adjie's gallery

Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009


Red and white are famous color. Manny people in the whole words use red and white as their colors. Even red as a major color, white as per their major color or they make combination with each to the other.

Did you pay attention? Each color has its mean itself, but people will be different to appreciate a color meaning. Red in your country maybe has a different symbolic mind than in my country. We can notice onto the national flags of the world. Most of the countries use red as one of their flags color. Red as a basic color, or just red as a one of the national flag.

In Indonesia, while you visit around August in every year, you can see there are many red color in every where in Indonesia. Indonesian people celebrate their independence day on August 17. People express their happiness with red and white color. Red is a brave and white is a holly.

Rabu, 04 Maret 2009


In industrial color. Actually it is not easy to make a reproduction color that have a real sama color, tone, brightness. There is a standarization to make it easy. It is CMYK processing.
C = Cyan, M = Magenta, Y = Yellow, K = Black. In fashion industry ussually we use The Pantone Color Matching System. This is a way out for industry fashion. People can make a same color in a different manufacturers in different place. They can make sure about color. Refering to this system although they never contact directly.


Color is a spectrum of light. Color actualy just a light that can de detected by our eye. Light have a range wavelength 380 -740 nm. Color are also associated with object, material, lightsource etc. So color have a specific physical properties including emmision spectra. absorption, and reflection. The complete spectrum and familiar with us is a rainbow. I think no body never saw a rainbow wherever you live. Rainbow is a simple object to explanation about it.
Color of an object depend on their physic of object, and also its environment. Human eye and brain also make a perception viewing it self. Object have a unique character on light. They make reflect, absorbs, transmit or emit about light. Their character make object color on human eye.
Many scientist have make observation and research about colour. Begining by Aristoteles, Newton, Goethe, Thomas Young, Maxwell, Helmhotlz etc, Until nowadays scintiests always make research more and more to make a knowledge about colour.
In the fashion industry, color always correspond with specific material. They are pigment. What are pigments ? Pigments are chemicals. They absorb and refflect some different spectra of light. If pigments are painted in a fabric (coloring process). Actually the fabric are refflect some light and absorb some light. The result is the color that human see in their eyes. It is a color of fabric.

Minggu, 01 Maret 2009


Color is the important thing in fashion.
Traditionaly we know the prime color are only three. Yellow, Red and Blue are the prime color. While you mix two prime color you will have a new color. Put yellow on red you will get orange. Mix Red and Blue you will find purple. Add yellow onto blue you will have green color. The result of new colors , we know as a secondary color. From the basic three color blue-red-yellow, we can make many colors. Lets you try with your traditional palets. It is a laboratorium colors that you own.